Mini Tour

Safford Map

This spectacular map must surely be among the very earliest ever made of Humboldt County, Nevada. Dating from 1867, it shows Winnemucca, the Humboldt River Valley, Sonoma Range, Hotspring Range, and the "Cottonwood Range," later renamed as the Santa Rosa Range.

The plat of surveys was made by William Epler, Deputy Surveyor under his contract dated July 20, 1862, the field notes whereof have been examined and approved and are on file in this office.  U. S. Surveyor General's Office.  Virginia City, Nevada.  December 13, 1867.  A. P. K. Safford, U. S. Surveyor General Nevada.

Shown are the 7th and 8th Standard Parallel Line, North Mount Diablo Base Line.

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